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Win Rs. 25,000 with FriMi and JustPay
Order your essentials online, effortlessly!
We have a variety of online partners that you can order your Groceries, essentials, food, clothing & many more from, & make your payment via FriMi contactless while you stay safe at home. Check out ou...
Your key to better finance management is here!
Refer and Earn with FriMi
Take part in the #FriMiFridaySlefieChallenge & stand a chance to win exclusive offers!
Add money & win a CASHBACK of Rs. 10,000!
Add money to your FriMi from your other banks & stand a chance to win a cashback of Rs. 10,000!
Get your orders delivered to your doorstep & pay via FriMi Debit card
FriMi hangs out in Panadura
Guess, Reload & Win!
Guess the total runs scored in todays Sri Lanka vs England T20 match and reload your mobile with the amount of your guess and stand a chance to win a 100% Cashback on the reload amount if you are corr...