Say hello to the very new and very cool FriMi Savings
Pots that will make your attempts at saving much more effective and not to
mention fun and rewarding!
That’s it!
Now you stand a chance to win an exclusive FriMi branded Bluetooth speaker! Sounds fun, yeah? Trust us, it’ll be so much more fun when you win that Bluetooth speaker – so get saving & in this case, get saving while giving us all some names to remember!
Here are the T&C,
1) The competition is on for Savings Pots opened during 7th
to 13th September 2020.
2) The value of the Savings Pot should be a minimum of
Rs. 500 to be eligible for the competition.
3) The minimum value should be maintained until the end
of the competition period.
4) One lucky winner will be announced on the 16th September 2020.