
It's the most wonderful time of the year!

By FriMi November-25th-2021

But… only for those who manage their finances properly. We are here to guide you.

Planning, budgeting and tracking are some good habits of FriMians that come in handy during the holiday season, to make sure you don’t rack up on the seasonal debt. Keep reading to see some tips we have for you and some interesting things we’ve learnt from our fellow FriMians during the last holiday season.


1. Plan… Plan… Plan…

Lack of planning will end up becoming your worst enemy. List down the valuable people in your life that deserves a Christmas gift and plan how much you can afford to spend on them.

Plan how much you will spend on groceries, utility bill payments and for your personal care, and create Savings Pots for each of them, so you have your budget figured out for the Christmas month.

Click here to see how you can open a Savings Pot.

End of the year is a good time to plan for the next year or upcoming years. You might really like our Bucket List product if you are looking forward to buying your next phone or planning a remodel or a vacation next year. Go ahead and try it for yourself if you haven’t already. It automates your savings to reach your life goals.


2. Gift-giving philosophy

Buying the best gift for each individual might be a hard task since their preferences differ every day according to their needs and moods.

We’d suggest you try something like Thyaga in our lifestyle section when gifting. You can effortlessly gift your loved ones with multi-store gift vouchers that they can redeem at any Thyaga merchant in any category like Dining, Clothing etc. of their preference.

3. ‘Tis the season for offers!

Don’t forget to grab all the amazing discounts and offers this Christmas season. Grabbing these offers to purchase items that you actually need will save you a lot of money. There is a reason behind this.  Many get carried away with offers to purchase items they will never use, and at the end of the day, it becomes a wasteful choice.

FriMi brings you many offers at your favorite merchants this season. See what you could benefit from – by clicking here. You can also stand a chance to win Rs. 2,500 every day when you pay by your FriMi Physical Debit Card at any fuel station or supermarket. See more about this offer from #TheCardWithPerks.

4. Keep track of all your expenses

Planning means nothing if you don’t track all your earnings and expenses properly.

We know this and that is why we have included a Transaction History section where you can easily track all your money movement graphically with ease.


We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and we are here to make managing your money effortless!